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Sexiest Accent in the World!

Shine and Knuckee thunk thus is brullyunt and reckun you should peck your begs and get on a sivven sucks sivven on Ear New Zulland to come and hunt Ridd Stegg with us!

A global poll by travel website Big 7 Travel has named the New Zealand accent the sexiest on Earth, describing it as "outrageously charming". 

The Kiwi tones topped the 50 sexiest accents in the world, with the South African accent second and the Irish rounding out the podium. 

Could The Notebook have been more romantic if Rachel McAdams and Ryan Gosling adopted Kiwi accents?

"To a novice ear, the New Zealand accent might sound just like the Australian accent, but Big 7 Travel readers disagree ... The sexiest accent in the world? It's official," the site, which claims to have an audience of 1.5 million, said..

With an estimated 7000 languages on Earth and many more accents, New Zealand's win is no mean feat.

Watch the video above to watch a selection of the sexiest scenes of all time, remastered with the Kiwi accent - it's hilarious!


Posted by Alpine Hunting on May 01, 2019


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