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Whats happening???

There have been a few developments here in Fortress New Zealand.. our Prime Minister held a Press Conference recently outlining the Government’s plan on how the borders will re-open.


The plan is to speed up the vaccine rollout to vaccinate as many New Zealanders as possible before the end of this year.  As of now we have more than 50% of New Zealanders having had at least one vaccination.


A phased introduction to border re-opening in 2022 will see Low-Risk, Medium-Risk and High-Risk travel pathways  created, and which pathway a traveller takes will be based on the risk associated with where they are coming from and their vaccination status.


The Low-Risk pathway will permit quarantine free entry for vaccinated travellers who have been in low risk countries.  (Fingers crossed US is deemed a low risk country)


The Medium-Risk pathway would include a combination of self-isolation and/or reduced MIQ for vaccinated travellers who have been in medium risk countries.


The High-Risk pathway will see the continuation of a full 14 days in MIQ and testing for unvaccinated travellers and any traveller, including vaccinated travellers, who have been in very high risk or high risk countries.


Our Government is determined to hold on to their‘elimination strategy’ to keep COVID out of New Zealand and until they move on like the rest of the world, we don't see much how this plan can be implemented as quickly as we'd like..


Click here to see the plan in poster form



Posted by Alpine Hunting on September 23, 2021


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