Our Team
Since our humble beginnings, Alpine Hunting has grown immensely. First of all into New Zealand’s foremost professional hunting operation but most importantly into a ‘family’ of long term team members where everyone from our housekeeper to our pilots and guides who take pride in what we do without forgetting to have fun along the way.
Luke McKay
Raised on the sprawling family farm in Hawkes Bay, Luke's passion for hunting was ignited at a young age. His journey began with possums, and by the age of 15, he proudly bagged his first red deer—an experience that fueled a lifelong commitment to the thrill of the hunt. Having been at Alpine for over a decade, he is now part of the management team — managing guides and helping Shane and Nicki run day-to-day operations with experience and dedication.
Scotty Bevins
Scotty has been hunting since he was knee-high to a grasshopper when his Dad used to take him out for possums and rabbits. He now hunts anything that moves and he has just taken up bow hunting. Scotty has guided in Africa and wonders why a lion wanted to eat him when he threw rocks at it....? Ask him what his favourite Jet Plane colour is... With over 12 years at Alpine, Scott is an integral part of the management team — working alongside Shane and Nicki to ensure the smooth running of the well-oiled machine it is.
Gus Gardner
Gus comes from the high country of North Canterbury in the South Island, where hunting runs deep in the family. Before he could shoot his first deer, he had to earn it—just like his father and grandfather before him—by shooting 100 rabbits. It took him three months, heading out every day after school until he reached the mark. After leaving high school, Gus trained at Smedley Cadet Farm, cementing his skills as a shepherd. While that will always be in his blood, he's now stepping into the world of professional guiding here at Alpine Hunting.
Jack Hughes
Jack (aka Dudley) shot his first deer at eight years old. His passion for hunting and long-range shooting quickly grew, leading him to compete in PRS and other precision rifle disciplines. With a deep interest in custom rifle building, ballistics, and accuracy, Jack is always refining his craft both in the field and on the range. He began guiding and culling at 18 and has spent the past decade balancing his time between working as a part time guide in the weekends while also selling commercial property.
Deon Botha
Meet Deon — our South African guide who brings a wealth of experience from guiding back home and now here in New Zealand. A passionate hunter, Deon knows the backcountry like the back of his hand — and if you're lucky, you might get to try his legendary homemade biltong along the way.
Jack Newman
Jack grew up in the RangitÄ«kei region, spending his early years chasing ducks and pheasants alongside his father before discovering his true passion—deerstalking. His first shot at a deer came at 16, but nerves got the better of him, and he missed! That moment only fueled his determination, and hunting quickly became a lifelong pursuit. After high school, Jack took his skills abroad, guiding in Canada before embarking on a decade-long career in the thoroughbred racing industry. Now, he’s come full circle, returning to his roots as a guide with Alpine Hunting.
Henry Poulton
Henry grew up shooting rabbits with his dad and brother on their family’s sheep and beef farm in Hawke’s Bay—pretty much since he could walk. After completing an agricultural degree at university, he’s now a fully-fledged hunting guide here at Alpine Hunting. With his deep knowledge of the land and a sharp eye for the hunt, Henry brings a lifetime of experience to our team. We call him Luigi .. ask him why!
Brooke Linnell
Anna Farrington
Lodge Assistant
Chante Crasborn
Lodge Assistant
Jane Mickleson
Lodge Assistant
We are family orientated and welcome hunters to bring their family to enjoy and share their experience.
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